
Podcast episodes worth a listen – December 2016

I listen to a lot of podcasts so you don’t have to. Download these for the long drive to the relatives this Christmas.

Podcast of the month – Crime Town

True crime is the new hot podcast genre and this return-to-form offering from Gimlet is a gripping, well-produced listen. It recounts jaw-dropping tales of mobbed-up 70s life in Providence, Rhode Island. A must listen for fans of The Sopranos, Goodfellas etc.

News, business & politics – FAKE NEWS SPECIAL

Tech & geek stuff

Arts & misc

NEW retro episode of the month

  • Letter From America remains the benchmark for foreign correspondent reporting and now serves as a peerless record and critique of modern American history and culture. Here’s a typically excellent episode on the emergence of political TV advertising.

Got any podcast recommendations? Email me.

If you’re new to Podcasts, I’d recommend Overcast for the iPhone.